Download the Pickle N Pins app and get exclusive offers.

Offers available ONLY to app users.

Love Pickle N Pins? Now it’s easier than ever! Download our app on the App Store or Google Play to make reservations, get updates, and enjoy exclusive specials.

What did customers talk about Pickle N Pins app?

Amazing and Convenient!

Pickle N Pins has become my go-to app for booking lanes and courts. The app is super easy to use, and I love being able to make reservations in just a few taps.

A Must-Have for Pickleball Lovers!

This app is a game changer! I’m constantly in and out of Pickle N Pins locations, and the app makes everything smoother. I love that I can plan ahead, get the latest offers, and even track my rewards.

Love the Exclusive Offers!

What I love most about the Pickle N Pins app are the exclusive offers! It’s like getting a little bonus for planning ahead. Definitely worth downloading if you're a regular.

Hand holding phone with Picklenpins app - Picklenpins